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Home / FAQs / Search Engine Optimisatiion & Site Traffic

Search Engine Optimisatiion & Site Traffic

1. What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

SEO is a process centered around the strategic use of keywords to bring your website up to the top of the search engine results, without you having to pay for it. The general results that you see in search engines such as Google are called organic listings, and those websites are there because, through a series of factors, Google has determined that, based on the keywords entered into the search bar, those websites are most relevant.
Through keyword research to determine what your ideal keywords are, and then implementation of those keywords both on your website and through off-site search engine optimisation such as the process of link building, your aim is to bring your website up to the top pages of the search engines for the keywords best suited to your website. 

2. Can you do it for me?

Generally speaking, we do not do SEO for our clients. We know a lot about SEO and do it for our own websites, but it is a very long term, ongoing operation and therefore we suggest that our clients either get intensively involved in it themselves, or seek a dedicated SEO company to do it for them. We can help you when you are looking for assistance.

3. Can I use Google Analytics?

Yes you can. Google Analytics is a great tool for finding out important information about visitors to your website. To use Google Analytics, all you have to do is set up a free account, and then there is a special field in the InovicaStore admin where you can paste the code that you are given. 
InovicaStore also comes with its own reporting systems. You can see how many people visit your store, what they look at on your store and what your top selling items are. 

4. Can I find out how many people are visiting my store?

Yes you can! InovicaStore provides inbuilt reports that let you see how many visitors you are getting per day, per week, per month, per year and all time. You can use this data to see how well your store is doing and how much traffic your SEO campaign could be driving to your store.

5. Can I find out what people are looking at on my store?

Yes you can. InovicaStore has a reporting system that lets you see what people are looking at, and how many people are looking. You can see what your most popular products are and which products aren't getting much attention.

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